Saturday, August 23, 2008

Make me zzz

The second and third brachy was more tolerable because I asked to be sedated for the procedure. Dr Tang totally overly estimated my tolerance.

Dr Tang, thanks for being so gentle with me . It doesn't hurt when I wake up.

Doc ordered loads of rest this weekend and suggested no visitors .


chermaine said...

Hey Shandy babe,

Finally get to know yr blog through the girls....I must say your really shown courage and strength. Continue to be strong. Believe in faith. Reading your blog has make me realise that we should cherish what we have and those who love us..Missing your jokes and laughter....Get well soon!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Biao jie, must jia you! Stay strong!

With love, Inessa.

Anonymous said...

Dr Tang shouldn't let you go through the first one without sedation!He should know better.No excuses,as sedation is possible,unlike some procedures! My silent friends are angry too.
You are very forgiving and generous to thank him...God will bless you...He loves you...
De Silva

Unknown said...

Last lap is the hardest yet easiest =)
Fight on Fighter-Shandy!

Anonymous said...


加油! You can do it!

Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow.

God Bless and Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shandy,

this is Kelvin, you ex-colleague at the bank at hougang branch. hmm its been quite a while... 2003 or thereabouts..

hope you get well. will pray for you.

Anonymous said...

hi Shandy, please rest well, tomorrow will be brighter!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Christine Choong's've been courageous enough now, but, in any event when you need to summon more courage, read her words again....
You will fine!
Des's mom