Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Request

Hi Friends of My Sis,

recently i met a friend, Lye Hock, he told me about using positive energy to create miracles.

With this new found knowledge, i only have some simple requests:

1. When you visit Shandy, please put on a bright smile.
2. Remain positive.
3. Have a normal conversation with her.
4. Wear VERY bright colours.
5. No Solemn looks.

As simple as that.

and finally, i found Shandy's password for the blog. I am able to approve comments from now on.




Anonymous said...

Nothing is impossible.

Must have faith in God!

Shandy, I know you will get well soon!

Unknown said...

Might I suggest laughter too? Laughter is really one of the best medicines in the world =)
It'll be great if she loves watching comedies! Proven to work since centuries ago =)

Edmund Sim said...

Kaiyan, you are right. Laughter is good too... and is proven.

When we laugh, we exhale all the toxin and breathe in lots of oxygen.

So friends, please keep smiling and laughter when u visit my sis.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of cancer patients who were told that their condition was very bad and hopeless,are now in remission....God healed them...they have much faith in God and friends in her church had prayed really hard for her..Hope that besides all the good Christians here,her fellow church friends are praying hard for Shandy.Have faith, Shandy.
JJ Manam